
Posts Tagged ‘Doll clothes’

So over the past couple of days I’ve been trying to finish up some lingering projects. I finished the new, detachable bag for my knitting frame and a couple of doll dresses, one a couple of months old, the other several years old. I also finished a garment bag for dolls I started last year.  Last weekend Nathan and I put up a small shed for the yard stuff and I cut down 3 pickup loads of tree limbs and dug up 3–13 gallon trashbags full of iris bulbs. That just includes the ones I thought were worth keeping! I threw away quite a few pieces that I didn’t think would bloom out. 

In the past month since I’ve blogged I’ve also been to Kansas City for the first time, taken my first train ride, and went home. Our intern that we had for the month of June was convinced I hated Hutch and left town every weekend. 🙂 Hopefully, July is a little less hectic, but if not, oh well. I hope to get curtains made for the stairs and paint the landing trim and maybe get a little (fun) sewing done too! I’m going to attempt to machine quilt my Valentine’s day wall hanging on Friday, and then I have to work this weekend. 😦 But, I do get two days off during the week next week, so I’m going to try to get that paint put on the landing and get my curtains sewn. We’ll see how that goes. Next weekend I have off and Nathan has to work, so hopefully I’ll get some fun stuff done then too! Below is a picture gallery of things that relate to this post.

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